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Monday, May 16, 2011

Call for Volunteers Wednesday!

Monkey See, Monkey Do... plans on participating in Albright Knox's annual Art Alive event and we need volunteers to participate!

Art Alive is an annual event where schools, individuals an groups recreate a work of art using costumes, backdrops and creativity!  It is an incredible event with food, music and fun for all ages.

We are looking for those interested to come to Monkey See, Monkey Do Bookstore at 3:30pm so we can discuss the artwork we will be recreated and to help us build, paint and create our entry!  We will also discuss other meeting times to work on this project that night as well as information for the day of the event. 

The event is June 4th so we don't have much time!  But we can do it! Check out the pictures from last years event, aren't they fantastic?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wearable Art: Wed. 18th 1-3pm

This Wednesday I will be teaching at Monkey See, Monkey Do.... Children's Bookstore.  I am super excited for it is a Wearable Art class!  One of the projects is a T-shirt scarf you see me sporting in the picture above. 

Wearable Art Workshop
1 – 3pm (ages 7 and up)
Kids will stencil their own shirt and create wearable items using old shirts—scarves and rosette pins! This fun-filled class will inspire creativity and one-of-a kind projects! We’ll read A Girl Named Pants Builds a Business to further enhance the theme “I Can Do Anything!”

Contact the bookstore to sign up!


Welcome to my other blog!

This blog is dedicated to the art classes I'm teaching.  So if you want the latest scoop on the Where, When & What I'm teaching subscribe!  I also plan on posting sneak peek looks at the classes I am working on, pictures from classes and more craft/art/creating loveliness.