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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Inventions & Explorations Series Starts Monday!

This Monday I am starting a three part series about inventions and exploration through art!  This first class will be about mythical beasts!  Lots of books to explore and your own mythical beast to create!

Also visit this awesome site, Beast Bender to create more beasts of your own! Mine is pictured above, he's called a Rhinotoo.  Post our creations below!  I'd love to see them!

For Preschoolers (age 3-5) 
Every Monday for 3 Mondays (June 6, 13, 20) from 10:30am to 11:30 am.
$15 for 3 weeks, or $7 per week.

The classes will be going undersea to create an awesome crayon resist water color  And then for that Monday after invent your own creations!  We will do some printmaking to create your invention blueprint! 

Sign up at Monkey See Monkey Do... here!  
Show them some love on Facebook!

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