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Monday, January 23, 2012

Future Cities

This past Saturday was the Future Cities Competition.  This year my 8th graders participated in the engineering event.  I just wanted to post some pictures of their city!  Though we did not place in the finals we did win the Student choice award.  This award is voted on by all of the student participates who vote for their favorite city.  I think it's an honor that my 8th grader's city was chosen by their peers! 

This was my first year running the program and had no clue what to expect, that being said I have a slew of information and ideas to guide their learning for next year! 

Our city was on hinges so we could lift it up for the judges to see.  I think this was one of the students' favorite features.

Our story was NYC was hit by a tsunami, with limited land mass they started to build underground.
Since subways were replaced with living space, we created the TTS, a transport system that runs through the entire city.  This was also our moving part.  Little capsules moved through the tubes.  One for personal vehicles and the other for commercial use. 

The greenhouse gets it light from the ground surface to grow plants for the underground living space.  We also have an elevator to transport supplies and people who own their own cars and do not use the TTS.
Large skylights provide natural light for those in the subterranean living.  We have a few located in Central Park.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Incoming: Art Show!

This is my Teacher Product: The kids think it is quite freaky, but like how the right side matches my now-red hair.
So Christmas break has long since pasted and school is chugging on along.  And boy, the whirlwind has started right back up again!  8th grade's Future Cities project competition is this weekend and soon after that is a open house when my first student craft show will take place!! So much art to mat, label and get ready!  Though I'm quite proud, I already have some grades already done.  But let's not forget about actually hanging them as well!

So I don't want to give all of it away but I do want to share some of the finished projects that have been coming on in.  Just a few.......later I will post more along with some info for any fellow art teachers out there! 

5th grade has finished some fantastic Picasso inspired portraits!

4th has finally finished their weavings they have worked so hard on!

And I have already mounted and prepared 1st grades sumi-ink paintings the made when we "visited" Asia!