Join us this month for the first ever beginner crochet club!
This month we will be learning how to make a beautiful scarf perfect for the incoming cool weather.
This month we will be learning how to make a beautiful scarf perfect for the incoming cool weather.
I am so excited for this class! It will be my first ever crochet class for school aged children, but after tackling the beginner crochet class I held over the summer, I am cool and collected. No needles in this one, just hooks. I think what I am looking forward to most is seeing the kids reactions when they finish their scarf and wear it for the first time. There is something awesome about wearing something you made yourself and I hope to share that sense of accomplishment and inspiration that comes with making homemade in my beginner crocheters! Beginner Crocheters....has quite a ring doesn't it?
Brittany Thrun is the owner, artist and instructor behind A Fine Tangle.
Visit her at Follow her on twitter @afinetangle