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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

St. Leo's: Mexico

The third and fourth graders are in Mexico this month! We took our imaginary plane and learned about some of the beautiful artwork made in this country.

4th grade learned about the beautiful weavings from the Mexico and Guatemalan border.  Did you know that you can tell where someone is from by looking at their traditional huiples (blouses)....they weave with colors and symbols that represent them.  Each students brainstormed what colors represent them and will be weaving three of them into their very own weaving!

3rd grade learned about the Huichol Indians and their beautiful yarn paintings.  These paintings tell stories of their culture, ancestors and gods through symbols and colors.  We are going to tell our own stories.  We just finished brainstorming symbols that represent ourselves and combined two of them into a wonderful design.  Next class we will be "painting" with yarn to bring them to life!

On critique day I promised I would wear my Mexican dress I have up in my room.  Isn't the embroidery beautiful!

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