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Sunday, November 27, 2011


Black Friday I taught the first Superhero Camp!  And I must say I had a BLAST! And I'm not completely sure but I think the boys enjoyed a it too!  We talked about our favorite Superheros and powers we would love to have!  Mine would be Teleportation!

We thought about what would our hero wear, what gadgets might he use and then designed a logo.  Batman has his Bat sign, Superman, his Super S symbol and our superheros got logos too printed on their very own cape!  We made stencils and screen printed them on red or blue capes.  I offered a T-shirt as well but who wouldn't want a cape?!?

We also started our own comic books staring our Superhero.  And I must say there were some intriguing and action packed stories!  At first it was tough coming up with a story line but once the capes dried and were put on the inspiration flowed!

I can't wait to hold the class again!  Rumor has it it will be offered again during Christmas break: One for younger Elementary and then one for upper Elementary students.  More details coming soon!

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